Offer Snakes

Philodryas baroni blue MALES, Ptyas nigromarginata and more

clock.icon 9 months ago - Zulte

Several males cb2023 Philodryas baroni blue , possible to reserve female for next season.
Less blue 1000€ high blue 1400€

4.7 Ptyas nigromarginata CB2023
1500€ each, 2800€ pair

5.6 Pantherophis obsoletus leucistic, perfect eyes. All together 800€

Several bullsnakes cb2023 various morphs and het

2.0 yearlings blue baroni males, beautiful animals. 1800€ and 2000€

2.3 Elaphe carinata dequenensis CB2023
800€ pair, 400€ single female

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